Minimum Used: 0.25%
Minimum Typical: 0.36%
Average Used: 0.92%
Maximum Typical: 1.47%
Maximum Used: 2.00%

Honeydew by The Flavorist's Apprentice (TFA), is a rare e-liquid flavor, that is used in 6 recipes. The average usage in a recipe is at 0.92% with a typical range between 0.36% and 1.47%.

Furthermore, the median percent of usage in a recipe for this flavor is 0.88%, while the minimum used percent is at 0.25% and the maximum at 2.00%.

By summarizing the statistical data about Honeydew (TFA), it appears that for being used in a recipe, a recommended starting point, could be somewhere between 0.25% and 1.50%.


  • The percentages that are mentioned above, have resulted from the statistical analysis of all the recipes that are presented on the website and they can only be used as a piece of advice.
  • The usage of a flavor concentrate at a very high or very low percentage, shouldn't necessarily be wrong. It could be intentional by the recipe's creator, so as to serve a specific purpose.

Flavors' Vendors

94 / 403
94 / 408
60 / 323
58 / 145
46 / 224
40 / 175
4 / 37
3 / 9
2 / 24
1 / 6

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